Begin Heritage Center

For more than a decade, the Begin Center has been a leading tourist, cultural and educational center in Jerusalem. In the center there is a modern museum, an archive and a library. In addition, the Center operates a variety of educational programs for schools and security forces, events and conferences.

The center hosts weekly cultural events, a weekly Torah portion, conferences and courses on a variety of topics

Do not miss a visit to the Begin Museum – join an unusual audiovisual experience that invites you to visit Menachem Begin’s childhood in Europe, a secret meeting of underground fighters in the hiding place and an acquaintance with some of the exciting events that accompanied Menachem Begin’s life and are interwoven with the history of the country. Visiting the museum is guided tours only by prior arrangement

The Begin Heritage Center, 6 Nakhon St. (adjacent to the station complex) Telephone: 02-5652011

For more details, visit the Begin Center website.